Language: Indonesian
Author: Mohamad Iqbal & Dani R. Taufani
Number of pages: 43
EBook Format: PDF
Price: Rp. 0, -
The recommenders: Admin
Microsoft provides a Learning Content Development System (LCDs) which is a free Kakas which allows us to create high-quality learning content, interactive and can be accessed online.
LCDs allow any person or organization in the community to be able to publish e-learning content that can be easily customized, interactive activity, quizzes, games, tests, animations, demos, and other multimedia.
By using LCDs, we can:
LCDs allow any person or organization in the community to be able to publish e-learning content that can be easily customized, interactive activity, quizzes, games, tests, animations, demos, and other multimedia.
By using LCDs, we can:
- Develop and publish content quickly, timely and relevant.
- Provide the appropriate Web content with SCORM 1.2 and can be hosted in a learning management system.
- Upload or publish existing content. (LCDs supports multiple file formats).
- We can create rich e-learning content that is based on Silverlight are easy.
- Develop training structure and easily reset at any time.
This simple ebook created with the intention to provide knowledge in learning, understanding and application of LCDs Author operate easily and suit learning needs. Through this ebook author also seeks to provide the material as completely as possible, but still easy to apply given this ebook accompanied by images that communicative.
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